The Third Law of Physics (004)

The third law of physics and life.

Every force has an equal and opposite reaction.

This law will change your life... if you let it.

What does the third law mean for your life and how can you apply it?

Put simply... you reap what you sow.

I would like to start with a very obvious analogy.

Imagine there were 2 farmers.

One who planted the best seeds.

Watered them whenever they were thirsty.

Put up a scarecrow to keep the pests away.

Weeded the fields by hand, in the blistering sun and the pouring rain.

Sang to his crops, and generally tended to their every need.

...while the other planted nothing in his field.

What do you think the result was?

You reap what you sow.

Cause and effect.

It is that simple.

You probably guessed where that abalogy was going, but ask yourself... which farmer are you?

If you have goals, you will never reach them without constant effort and focus.

If you do nothing, nothing will happen.

However, if you actually try your best everyday to reach the goals you have set, you make it impossible to fail.

Effort breeds results.

Will you go to sleep tonight knowing you tried your hardest at achieving your dream, whatever it may be?

Meditate on that.

What will you do TODAY to guarantee success in your chosen endeavor?

Write me back with your honest answer.

Always Strive and Prosper,
