The Second Law of Physics and Life (003)

Newtons second law of motion.

F = m*a

Force is equal to mass times acceleration.

What can you learn from this law and how does it apply to your life?

Think of it like this.

You are the mass and the force you are applying onto the world and your reality is proportional to the magnitude of your acceleration.

In life, you accelerate by trying new things. Learning and applying new ideas.

For example in my life, I have recently started a podcast and I am now trying to gain traction with this newsletter.

Will they be successful?

Tough question because success is defined in the eye of the beholder.

The real goal for me launching these ventures is not 'success' but rather to learn and accelerate.

I remember is that failure is part of the process.

Rephrase 'failure' to 'learning' to eliminate this irrational fear of failure.

You may think this newsletter is goofy, and I might even agree.

But ask yourself, what have you done recently that exposes you to failure?

Even if this newsletter 'fails', I will have learnt important lessons.

If you arent failing you aren't learning.

Set bigger goals.

The magnitude of the acceleration required relates to the ambitiousness fo your goals.

Bigger goals require increased learning.

Notice when you stop accelerating, your force goes to 0.

When you stop learning, your life becomes stagnant.

No progress towards your goals will be made.

Never stop learning.

Never stop accelerating.

Always Strive and Prosper,
