The Power of Making Decisions (039)

1st Law Monday - March 4 2024

Decisions are powerful, they can change your life in an instant.

The person behind you in line could be a key strategic partner in your future billion-dollar campaign to save humanity.

That person you are walking past could very well be your future spouse... but how will you know if you never say hi?

The hardest step in achieving anything is making the true commitment and decision.

A decision is information acted upon - never leave the scene of a decision without taking action towards its realization... or else no decision has truly been made.

Make decisions often, learn from your mistakes, and enjoy the process. Stay committed to the result (the ends), but remain flexible in the approach (the means).

Further, anxiety is usually a result of unmade decisions.

I know personally that the longer a decision remains unmade in my head, the more I think about it.

Nothing feels better than clearing up that mental real estate that was long occupied by a lingering unmade decision.

Remember that the most successful people make decisions the fastest.

What could take you 1 month do decide and act upon, someone else may do in a week.

Speed up the decision making process and reap the rewards.

Reflect today and make a list of decisions that you have been putting off.

Which of them has been causing your he most stress?

Take action.

Always Strive and Prosper,
