The First Law of Physics and Life (001)

Newtons first law of motion.

Objects at rest tend to stay at rest while objects in motion tend to remain in motion.

Also known as the law of inertia.

What can you learn from this law?

I like to think of it as how progress is made.

If you are sitting at home, not working on anything, not excersizing, mindlessly consuming content... you are at rest.

And according to the law, you will tend remain there. You will resist being set in motion.

However, if you are working on yourself, hustling, grinding, striving to attain your dreams everyday... you are in motion,   and you will also tend to remain in motion.

Success is all about building habits and momentum.

Rome wasnt built in a day, but somebody had to lay the first brick. And once construction started, they did not stop until it was complete.

However with your life, you can never stop because you will never be complete, never be perfect.

You can never stop and slow down or else the law of inertia will work against ayou and it will be harder to start up again.

Set yourself in motion today and resist slowing down. That is the way.

Always strive and prosper,
