The conservation of energy and your life (027)

1st Law Monday - January 22 2024

The first law of thermodynamics is the law of conservation of energy.

This states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, merely transformed.

An internal change cannot occur without being acted upon by the exterior, and vice versa.

Applied to life: any action you take will affect your internal state (mindset + health) as well as your environment.

You have a finite amount of energy within you.

Are you spending it wisely?

You must put your energy towards your goals.

The law also states that there is a direct and proportional correlation from the input to the output.

Thus, you will only be able to reap rewards in proportion to the energy you expend.

Optimize your resources to be spending energy on the things that matter to you.

Conserve and convert your energy wisely.

Further, it is important to recharge and rebuild your internal energy.

It is important to be with people and in environments that will recharge you.

Make a list of the people you spend the most time with and ask yourself: are they charging me up?

If they aren't... you know what to do.

Happy Monday, I hope you all have an incredible week.

Always Strive and Prosper,
