Start with the end in mind (075)

1st Law Monday - July 8th 2024

Focus for the week

The focus for this week is reflection.

Am I just working hard with no direction? Or am I working towards a goal?

To protect my time, energy, and attention, the efforts need to be intentional. I need to work with the end in mind. I need to have a goal. To have a destination. The goal is vague so far, all I know is I am chasing wealth and freedom.

Seek wealth, not money or status

Naval Ravikant

I need to understand whether my current actions are chasing money, or wealth. For I am after wealth, but I may be on the wrong path. I want freedom from a boss. Freedom to think, to go where I want to go, to talk to who I want to talk to, to do what I wish.

To see where I am going, I need to step back and reflect. I need to pause and plan. To be still for awhile. As long as the result is clearer goals and direction.

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Abraham Lincoln

What I’m Reading

Last week I read parts of the 48 Laws of Power. It has to be one of the best books ever written. If you haven’t read it you truly are missing out. I highly recommend it.

This week I will be reading whatever I feel like. Enough with the pressure to finish books. I just like to read for ideas. Not all books are worth finishing.

Have a great week :)
