Relinquish the past and begin again (051)

1st Law Monday - April 15 2024

Begin Again

I have recently been exposed to an incredibly useful technique for dealing with and not getting caught up in failures - begin again.

If you did not succeed, begin again. If you notice that you are distracted, recenter and begin again. If you should have been studying and have been scrolling for 20 minutes, just recognize that you have been distracted, do not judge yourself, and begin again. The moment you notice any mediocrity, just exercise your ability to begin again and let go of the past. Simply return to the present moment without judgement. This is the key - do not judge yourself. The next 20 minutes do not have to follow the past.

This idea is also provides the foundation to forgiveness. In order to forgive someone or something, you must restart the clock in the present. Forget the past and begin again.

Ideas from a talk by Sam Harris.

What I’m Reading

Zero to One - Notes on startups, or how to build the future by Peter Thiel

This book contributed to last Fridays newsletter. I am only 25% of the way through and am already enjoying it. Topics in the book include: innovating, competition, monopolies, founders, and traits of successful businesses.

Have a great week :)
