personal mission statement, questions for relationships (068)

1st Law Friday - June 14th 2024

Welcome back to the 1st Law Newsletter - Friday Edition.

In this email:

  • Personal mission statement

  • Questions for deepening relationships

  • Quote on being indefatigable

Personal mission statement

“Don’t become a wandering generality. Be a meaningful specific.”

Zig Ziglar

Knowing what you want is criminally underrated. In order to make any meaningful progress, you need direction. This direction will help you form goals that will take you where you want to be. This article aims to encourage you to clarify what you stand for and what you want out of life. You can always change your mission statement later, but it is important to begin chiseling away at the noise that is life to understand what you really care about. Use the prompts and tips below to guide your response.

What the statement should include: Who you want to be. How you want to live. The legacy you want to leave.

Tips to help you crystalize this statement: Reflect on your values, passions and aspirations. What do you really value in life? Make it personal and specific to you, avoid generalities.

Going further: Imagine yourself in the position of having achieved all of your goals 10 years ago. What are you doing now? How does this new perspective change your mission statement?

If you feel like sharing, please respond to this email with your mission statement, I will send you mine! :)

Questions for relationships

Here are three questions curated to help you improve and reconnect in your personal relationships. Whether it is with friends, family, or your significant other, ask these questions and see where they take you.

What is something you have been telling me that’s important to you that I keep missing or overlooking?

What is something you need from me that I struggle to give to you?

What is something you feel I haven’t fully accepted about you?

Vienna Pharaon

Quote I Want To Share

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

Calvin Coolidge

People dumber than you have accomplished much more out of sheer determination and indefatigability. You are capable of much more.

Thanks for reading!
