Organize your ideas (085)

1st Law Monday - August 19th 2024

Ideas for notes you should have on your phone

  • Life Goals/ Bucket List: These are longer term and overarching goals. Let this one grow to be long and ambitious, but remember to prioritize and sort them every once in awhile to maintain focus on the most important ones.

  • Short term goals: Goals for 12 months from now and also a place to organize your feelings towards your current circumstance and short term aspirations.

  • Story Bank: Both so you have a rolodex of interesting things to talk about with people, and also to help you remember them.

  • List of important opinions and beliefs: A good way to keep track of the logic behind your opinions and examine your assumptions about life.

  • Master grocery list: I keep all items I usually buy in a note and just check them off when I run out so I know exactly what I need next time I go get groceries.

  • Next day plan/ next week plan: Just a list of tasks that you wish to complete in the coming day/ week. I usually create this one right at the start of the week, or the night before a busy day.

  • Money/ Investment plans: A place to set up your money system. Where is the next dollar you earn going? What bank accounts do you have? what investment accounts do you have and what are they for?

Let me know if you have any interesting notes on your phone! I would love to hear from the readers :)

Also, note that these do not have to be on your phone. Paper works well and I almost prefer it, but I always have my phone with me so its nice to have all my ideas at my fingertips and not having to transfer them to a physical notebook later.

What I’m Reading

Last week I read absolutely nothing. This week I will be reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. I began this one on my kindle, but it was so good I bought a copy before finishing it. So I just need to read the last 50% of the book.

Have a great week :)
