Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation (031)

1st Law Monday - February 5 2024

Sir Isaac Newton defined many of the most important laws that guide our understanding of the world today. One of my favorites is the Law of Universal Gravitation. This law tells us that as things gain mass, their attractive force increases, and in turn they draw bigger masses to themselves.

How does this apply to life?

The Latin origin or gravity is gravitas, meaning weight or seriousness. Be serious about yourself. It is the only way to grow.

I believe that as you improve and become a higher quality individual, you attract higher quality things, people and ideas to you, much like stars in the sky.

For example, if you are in great shape, you will attract other people who are in great shape. If you are intelligent and love to learn, you will attract other intelligent people and learn even more together. If you are rich and wealthy, you will easily attract more money. If you are ambitious, you will attract high quality opportunities.

This law ties back into momentum as well. As something gets bigger (not in the sense of weight ,but in the sense of being more colossal and impactful), that thing, be it an object or idea or person, attracts bigger ideas and people to themself. As they come together, they both get even bigger and attract more big ideas and people, and the cycle repeats. It is a positive feedback loop.

Actionable steps to take advantage of this law are obvious; learn more, contribute more, create more, seek out more opportunity and risk, and become a higher quality person. You are all quality people already, but there is always room to grow.

As you continue on the lifelong path of self improvement, progress may seem slow, but change will happen quickly. Sow the seeds and when you have invested enough time and energy, they will blossom.

Always Strive and Prosper,
