My thoughts on emotions (017)

1st Law Monday - Dec 11 2023

Focus for the week

Everything in the universe is constantly in a state of motion... Including yourself and your emotions.



Energy in motion - that's what your emotions really are.

Are you familiar with the human emotion vibrational chart?

Human Emotional Vibration Chart (Freq. in Hertz [Hz])

Every emotion has a corresponding frequency... What frequency are you in right now?

"If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola Tesla

Strive to live constantly in high frequency states and avoid low frequency states as much as possible.

For living in a higher frequency state will not only elevate your heart, soul and mind, but also increase the well-being of those around you.

How scientific is this...? In terms of human emotions, it's not (at least I didn't find any studies, if you know some send them my way).

However, think about how you are perceiving the world around you right now.

Everything you are sensing is coming to you in a wave form and is being decoded into information by your body.

Light waves coming into your eyes, sound waves into your ears.

Even time is rooted in vibration: The second, symbol s, is the SI unit of time. It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the caesium frequency, the unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium-133 atom, to be 9 192 631 770 when expressed in the unit Hz, which is equal to s−1.

Ya lol, I don't get it either but it sounds legit.

The point is that frequency and vibration are fundamental to life.

Your energy will be better if you are in a higher frequency emotional state.

Some practical tips for raising your emotional state.

  1. Practice gratitude. Just say thank you. The more grateful you are the more things you will attract to be grateful for. It's a domino effect.

  2. Be in peace. Meditate and reflect on your life. Accept where you are at and be peaceful.

  3. Connect with nature. Sun-gaze, tan, go into the forest, walk barefoot, hug a tree (trees are wiser than you).

  4. Work on yourself. You are a work in progress, strive to reach your fullest potential every day.

  5. Most importantly: have fun! Be silly and laugh and smile. It will rub off on those around you.

My final thoughts on emotions are that emotions are powerful - they come and go, sometimes they are strong and sometimes subtle. However, I believe that you should not let them control you. Striving for certain emotions is okay (e.g. striving for love or peace), but succumbing to your emotions is not. Decisions should be made out of a place of reason, not emotion, for reason is more everlasting than an emotion.

Keep this in mind.

Have a great week.

Always Strive and Prosper,
