Monday Motivation 2 (005)

Monday morning.

Forget what happened last week, whether it was positive or not.

Begin the week anew.

This morning I want you to understand and digest the following.

Motivation is not sustainable.

What you must cultivate is discipline.

One aspect of life where discipline is perhaps most vital is in your diet.

Be honest, are you disciplined in what you consume?

You cannot neglect your body and your health and expect to be successful.

How do you expect to run a business if you can't even control what you put in your mouth?

How can you expect to avoid the traps and pitfalls of life if you can't even avoid a cheeseburger?

Today, be conscious of what you put in your body.

Treat your body like the temple it is.

Don't eat that sugary cereal, or drink that fibreless fruit juice.

Pack a lunch instead of buying fast food.

Eat whole foods, eat protein, and get after your goals.

However, remember the 80-20 rule.

A bag of chips, or a slice of pizza here and there isn't going to kill you.

But a bag of chips and a slice of pizza everyday just might.

Its not whether you live but HOW you live.

Make small, positive changes in your diet and watch them add up.

Listen to your body.

Another interesting idea I would like you to ponder is the following... is it hunger or addiction?

You are so used to eating at certain times and eating certain foods that your body craves it.

You are not starving to death.

Free your mind.

Always Strive and Prosper,
