Monday Motivation (002)

Monday morning is one of the most vital moments of the week.

You must start the week of strong.

How are you going to be succesful and proud of how you spent your time today?

Win the morning to win the day.

Then repeat to win everyday and win the week, month, year...

And ultimately your life.

Tangibly, how can you do this?

Here is 1 action you should take this morning to ensure sucess:

Go get a notebook.

Sit down.


and write down your goals.

Big or small, for the day or for 10 years.

And none of this SMART goals shit,

just think about what you want, what you truly desire.

Not what society has conditioned you to want, but what YOU truly want.

Write it the fuck down,

And most importantly...

Believe you CAN and WILL achieve them.

Visualize yourself already having achieved your goals.

To achieve, you must first imagine and believe.

Respond to this email with your top goal, I will be reading them.

Always Strive and Prosper,
