A logic based approach to life (083)

1st Law Monday - August 12th 2024

Focus for the week: Basing decisions on logic

Why? Do you ever give your opinion on a subject and then have no response when someone asks why you feel that way? Thinking out your opinions and understanding the reasons behind them is a critical life skill that anyone can develop.

How? Question your assumptions and biases. Consider nothing as an absolute fact unless you can prove it is that way. Unexamined assumptions are usually the biggest obstacles to well thought out opinions.

Build your opinions from the ground up. Once the assumptions are identified, slowly build up towards the topic at hand by asking how? and why? 

Consider a way to keep track of your opinions and reasoning. I recently started a note in my phone to keep track of some important opinions that I hold and the reasons why. It is nice to have them listed out at a glance. This process of developing your opinions with a logic base, factual and rational approach can help you understand yourself better and improve your confidence in tough conversations.

What I’m Reading

This week I will be reading The Iliad by Homer. I have fallen behind in my yearly reading. Only at 27/32 books I should have read by now. Although 27 books in a year is probably still a personal best. I will try to catch up in the next few months.

Have a great week :)
