Learn how to use your enemies (041)

1st Law Monday - March 11 2024

Happy Monday.

Today, I am bringing you a law from The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.

Law #2: Never put too much trust in friends; learn how to use enemies.

This law is profound and has changed my perspective. I have always thought about how nice and 'fun' it would be to have a business where many of the partners/ employees are my friends. However, the business world is not setup to be fun, it is cutthroat and ruthless. Greene brings up the useful point that friends are not ideal work partners. The problem is that friendships are often not built on complete honesty, and when it comes to business and power, you may discover you did not know your friends as well as you thought. They are more likely to be ungrateful and to think they are entitled to special treatment, slack off, or become jealous and plot on your demise.

Instead, this is where enemies come in handy. Move their status from enemy to former enemy. For when you entrust a former enemy with a role close to you, they will be surprised and honoured. They will do their very best to prove to you that you have not made a mistake by trusting them, and will be even more loyal than a friend. Importantly, however, make sure that you share a mutual interest with your former enemy that is now your ally. You must be working towards something greater than yourselves and mutual benefit, or against a common enemy. This guarantees that you do not get re-crossed and stabbed in the back.

This is not to say you can never hire a friend, just be wary. If you do, do not expect gratitude from them, so if they are grateful it is a pleasant surprise. Skills and competence are far more important than friendship. Hire the competent for business and keep friends for friendship.

"Lord, protect me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies." - Voltaire
