What would you do if you were the last person on earth? (089)

1st Law Tuesday- Sept 3rd 2024

Focus for the week

“Eternity is in love with the creations of time”

William Blake

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I should/ want to do with my time. I found a somewhat daunting but effective mental model for this subject:

  • What would you do if you were the last person on earth?

This lens focuses you down to your core desires and removes the external influence. I want to say I’d play hockey or practice jiu jitsu, but without training partners it wouldn’t be the same. Also, I think that I would not write, because if no one would read it I would not be motivated. This is an interesting reflection and I’m not sure what it should mean for the future of this newsletter…

Perhaps I would still record podcasts, both to keep myself sane and as an ode to the universe. If anyone ever heard my recordings, I would hope they could understand how I was thinking and feeling. I would still work out and eat healthy to stay in shape and to maintain my health, for even if I were the last person on earth, I would still like to live a decently long life.

I also find myself drawn to the idea of travelling, and maybe even setting off on a solo sailing voyage across the Atlantic in an attempt to reach either Africa or Europe. Overall, this is an interesting question to ask yourself. If you find any use from this lens, I would love to hear back about what you would do if you were the last person on earth…

A reminder to enjoy the journey

“It is so much more fun to be a little richer than you were yesterday, than merely to be rich.”

Alice Wellington Rollins

What I’m Reading

Last week I finished The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. This week I will be reading Family Happiness and other stories/ novellas by Leo Tolstoy. What are you reading?

Have a great week :)
