Introducing: Small (but mighty) tools to improve your day! (009)

Friday November 17th 2023

Welcome back to the 1st Law Newsletter - Friday Edition.

In this email:

  • Big Idea: Knowing what to do vs knowing what not to do

  • Small Idea: The 4 interior empires

  • Quote to motivate creators to share your work

Knowing What Not To Do

One of the biggest challenges I face daily is knowing what to do... what should I work on? What's the best use of my time today and at this moment? It may sound trivial but I believe answering this question is the biggest key to success and fulfillment. As an example, what's the difference between you and the most successful people you know? What you're working on! I have 2 quotes on this subject that I enjoy:

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool"

Richard P. Feynman

“The most basic form of human stupidity is forgetting what we are trying to accomplish.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

You see, the problem is there is a near unlimited amount of things you can choose to do, so knowing what to do is very, very hard! To simplify this, I have taken a different approach: knowing what not to do. If you want to get in great shape, it is very difficult to have the exact best nutritional plan, the optimal workout schedule, etc... But its easy to know that you should not skip workouts or eat a full tub of ice cream to your face every night. This is similar to a beginner tennis principle of how its a losers game - most games are won by avoiding mistakes and letting your opponent make them. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, until you are sure that you know what the best actions for you are, and you are confident that you can execute them, just focus on not making mistakes.

Shift your perspective from knowing what to do (hard) to knowing what not to do (easier) and avoiding those detrimental actions.

The 4 Interior Empires

Everyone is always talking about your mindset (including me... see above haha) but no one ever talks about the other 3 sets...

Mindset (psychology): visualization, meditation, reflection, conversation, reading

Heartset (emotionality): gratitude, emotional IQ (EQ), releasing toxic emotions

Soulset (spirituality): simplification, ego reduction, truth, shortness of life

Healthset (physicality): exercise, rest, hygiene, nutrition

To be truly whole you need to develop all 4. Read The 5am Club by Robin Sharma to learn more (I highly recommend it, if you think you're ready)

Quote I Want To Share

"A creator needs only one enthusiast to justify him"

Man Ray

I love this quote because it is so easy to apply. Both my podcast and my newsletter have very small audiences (for now). Less than 20 people will read/ listen to each release. However, when I feel like quitting, I remember this quote and remember that if even one person enjoys what I create, its worth it. Also, I want to give a formal thank you to the one person who responded to my last email... you know who you are :) Its feedback like that that keeps me going.

Thanks for reading!
