Intensive vs Extensive (049)

1st Law Monday - April 8 2024

Concentrate your efforts.

The concept of intensive versus extensive focus can apply to a range of subjects. Whether it is a project you are working on, relationships you are trying to foster, skill development, or investments to grow your wealth. The more you spread out your focus, the less you know about anything and everything. Intensive work almost always provides better results.

But spreading thin and diversifying reduces risk...

False. By increasing your breadth, you decrease your depth. Instead, it is better to know the one subject deeply. Only then can you foresee and mitigate risk.

If you are investing, the more investment vehicles you have, the less you can know about each one and the less prepared you are for changing market conditions. If working, the more you multitask, the less you accomplish. Focus on one project and break the work down into steps and focus on one task at a time until it is complete.

Fostering relationships is more complicated. Having lots of relationships and connections is undoubtedly important, for humans are social creatures. However, be aware that the more relationships you try to nurture, the less quality time you can spend with each person. Sometimes, it may be necessary to pick one person or group of people over others.

Frankly, this is just a reiteration of the Pareto Principle: 80% of results come from 20% of actions. 80% of your happiness comes from 20% of the people you spend time with. 80% of meaningful work that produces results comes from 20% of your efforts. 80% of your profits come from your top 20% customers.

This week, focus on the one thing that would push the needle the most for you. Increase the depth of your knowledge in one area of your life that you value highly.

Have a great week.
