How I rationalize quitting (014)

1st Law Friday - Dec 1 2023

Welcome back to the 1st Law Newsletter - Friday Edition.

In this email:

  • Framework for choosing personal projects

  • The 5 trends of the future - Mark Joyner

  • Quote I enjoy

When to Quit Ideas

One of my biggest problems is that I have too many ideas (sounds good but its not). I start working on something convinced its a good idea, make a little progress, then re-convince myself that its not a good idea, stop, and move on to something else. My attention is often spread thin and I make a little progress on many ideas before leaving then unattended to. This causes a feeling of guilt because I feel like I have quit. However, I think I've found a way of dealing with this personal cycle.

  • Firstly, if I have an idea I think is good, I need to know why/ have concrete reasons why its a good idea and write them down.

  • Then, instead of just 'convincing myself' its not a good idea, I can evaluate the reasons I no longer believe in the idea against my original 'pro list'.

  • This comparison renders it a guilt free decision because I can objectively see if the pro's outweigh the cons, and whether quitting is the most rational decision.

It is my current opinion that a massive factor to success is what I choose to work on, so quitting bad ideas is crucial. If you have a similar or differing approach to choosing what you work on/ read/ watch/ do, I would love to hear about it.

I recently listened to a very interesting talk by a futurist named Mark Joyner - who some call the godfather of internet marketing. In the talk he explains some of his personal keys to success, including the concept: don't try to make money, try to make business (and the money will come). Also, he mentions the 5 trends of future products and inventions... Everything is getting either:

  • Faster

  • Smaller

  • More powerful

  • Cheaper

  • More available/ accessible

So if you are trying to create a product/ business, try to incorporate these benefits for your clients. He also mentions what he believes to be the biggest conflict of the future - I bet you cant guess what it is... Listen to the talk to learn more (link below, ~30 minutes).

Quote I Want To Share

"The further society drifts from the trust, the more it will hate those who speak it."

Selwyn Duke

Think about the types of people the media villainizes. Are they really spreading outrages ideas? If you have recommendations of people who speak the truth, please send their names my way. I would like to learn from them.

Thanks for reading!
