High ROI actions (097)

1st Law Tuesday - Oct 1st 2024

Focus for the week

The essentials. Figuring out what the highest ROI (return on investment) activities are in my life. For example, I try to stretch daily, but which stretches are the most potent? I will try to boil my routine down to the most essential stretches and do them for longer, and avoid the mediocre ones altogether. I am trying to apply this approach to everything in my life. Training, friendships, work… The main questions I am trying to answer are essentially the following:

  • What am I doing that I believe is important but really is not?

  • What am I not doing that I believe is not important but really is?

I heard an interesting quote recently that inspired this thought experiment:

“We need to be reminded more than we need to be taught.”

Alex Hormozi, Paraphrased

Essentially, we already know the main things that we should be doing everyday in order to live well. Work hard, tell the truth, eat well, exercise, give love, etc… But how many of these things are we actually doing? Inversely, how much time is spend trying to research the best new tips and tricks to get a 6 pack or to make more money in easy ways? I feel like most of us already know our personal truths to living well. They are probably simple but not easy, and we just need to be reminded that these things are more important than we give them credit for and to focus on them rather than trying to learn new ‘life hacks’.

What I’m Reading

The Art of Worldly Wisdom by Baltasar Gracián. I am still working on this one. I started it last week, and its not even very long, but it is a book that I don’t want to rush through. I also did not read very much last week. Again, to my above point, I believe reading is a high ROI activity for myself and I need to focus on reading more.

Progress for the year: 29/52 books read. It is now week 40 and I am 11 books behind. I will catch up though, I believe in myself.

Have a great week :)
