Entropy is relentless (033)

1st Law Monday - Feb 12 2024

The second law of thermodynamics defines entropy.

Entropy is the tendency of all things in the universe to trend to disorder, randomness and chaos.

Entropy permeates every aspect of your life.

Your focus and attention, your room, your relationships, your career, your health, your finances...

If ignored, entropy will cause them all to become chaotic, uncertain and messy.

Keeping entropy away requires a daily payment of attention.

Your life requires daily work, because the mess will happen all by itself when attention lacks.

A day run properly has tasks planned from morning till night.

I believe tasks can have 2 purposes: maintenance and advancement.

You must be planning and completing maintenance tasks everyday.

Journal, clean your room, take a glance at your bank accounts, check in on your friends... all examples of maintenance tasks.

However, to really improve, you must also be completing tasks focused on advancement.

Making new friends, making more money, adding weight at the gym, starting new habits... all examples of advancement tasks.

Having a day planned from dawn till dusk may not sound that exciting, but any time open for spontaneous action will most likely fall prey to entropy and result in nothing but more chaos and disorder in your life.

Stay focused and cultivate your attention, it is a finite resource.

Remember that entropy is always waiting for a lapse in your focus.

Waiting to drag you back down to the depths of chaos.

Have a great week.
