Activation energy & habits (111)

1st Law Friday - Nov 22 2024

Welcome back to the 1st Law Newsletter - Friday Edition.

In this email:

  • Activation energy and region beta

  • Habit forming tips

  • Quote on attitude

Region beta & activation energy

If you only take action when things cross a certain threshold of badness, sometimes better things are worse than worse things. This is true because the better things will not inspire action, and over a longer timespan this will result in less progress and growth.

By this, I mean that the person—possibly me, so don’t be offended—who stays in their okay job because it’s chill, even though the pay isn’t amazing and they are not passionate about it. Or the person who stays in a relationship because it’s easy, even though they’re not really in love, and their partner’s values don’t align with their own. Or the person who is in mediocre shape, but they don’t work out or stretch because they’re not that unhealthy and only in a little bit of pain.

It would be better for these people if their situation were worse, for then they might actually be kicked into gear. If things were worse, they’d be unhappy enough to gather the activation energy required to take action and improve their situation. If their boss were an asshole, they would look for a new job with more fervour. If their partner cheated on them, they would exit the relationship faster. They would start stretching and exercising if they couldn’t take a step without their back seizing up.

Are you stuck in region beta? Where things are just okay, but not great? If things were worse, would you try harder? Are you comfortably numb?

Idea from Chris Williamson, host of the Modern Wisdom Podcast.

5 habit forming tips

  1. Examine successful habits that you have already formed or broken successfully. What strategies or tools helped in the past? How can you apply the same strategy to this new habit?

  2. Put reminders wherever the habit needs to happen. E.g. if you want to remember to floss, put a note on your bathroom mirror, or leave your book on your pillow if to read before bed.

  3. Create a tiny version of the habit that is non-negotiable. Even if you do not do the whole habit, do the tiny one. This will build up your self-image and be effective long-term because success compounds. Instead of reading for an hour, read one page. Don’t feel like stretching for 15 minutes, touch your toes 3 times. Just do something small and try to never completely skip a day.

  4. Tell your friends and family about the goal you have and the action you are trying to change. The social pressure and the verbal reminders from them will help.

  5. List all the positive benefits you will experience from having this habit. Sometimes seeing into the future and remembering why you want to do this will keep you on track.

Personal Example: Stretching. I want to stretch every day.

  1. What makes habits stick for me? Being measurable. I like tracking my progression. I am not sure how I can do this for my flexibility… any ideas would be appreciated.

  2. Reminders. I leave my yoga mat unrolled in my room so I’m ready to go at the slightest hint of motivation.

  3. A tiny version of the habit. I need to have a baseline that only takes 1 minute: I will touch my toes and hold it for a few breaths. If I want to continue after this, great, but if this is all I do for the day, it is better than nothing.

  4. Tell people. Shared with all my readers. Hopefully, you keep me accountable.

  5. Positive benefits. Fewer injuries, impressing people with my flexibility and mobility, being better at sports (jiu jitsu and climbing), longevity, and reversing the negative effects of sitting.

Ideas from Modern Wisdom Podcast #705 with Spencer Greenberg.

Quote I Want To Share

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.”

John Wooden

Remember how many people are trapped in situations at war, hungry, cold, or sick. If you are reading this, you are already part of the 1%. With perspective, you may realize how well things have already turned out for you. It could have been much, much worse. Appreciate life and make the most of every day.

Thanks for reading!
