Acting without inspiration and to-do lists (110)

1st Law Monday - Nov 18 2024

Focus for the week

“A good writer doesn’t just think, and then write down what he thought, as a sort of transcript. A good writer will almost always discover new things in the process of writing.”

Paul Graham

This is what I am doing today. I had no inspiration or desire to write this, but I sat down anyway. This is more of a stream of consciousness than anything else.

My focus for this week is to work off of my to-do lists. A well-made to-do list can save tremendous amounts of time. Above my to-do list for the week, I wrote: “If I only finish one thing this week, what would alleviate the most stress/ mental real estate??” This is my north star for task prioritization. Some weeks, progress is made on many different tasks, but nothing gets fully completed. The task and accompanying stress then rolls over to the next week and snowballs into a list so long that my eyes glaze with every glance. I will try to complete tasks once and for all this week. Fighting the negative compounding interest that results from continuous half-complete tasks. One at a time, no multitasking.

What I’m Reading

Last week I finished Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman by Richard P. Feynman. My main takeaway is that whenever I start something new, I always need to see how far I can take it. Read the book to see how Mr. Feynman applied this principle for himself. It is what made him a true polymath.

This week, I will be reading The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss. I have read a few of his other books and enjoy his writing style and information presentation. My takeaways from this book will appear in the newsletter later. I am hoping to gain fitness and health knowledge that I can apply immediately.

A quote to go

How do you know you’re not already in heaven and making a mess out of it? Do you have any proof?


Well, that came out of nowhere. I had no idea what I was going to write about today, but here we are with a finished newsletter. I hope you enjoyed reading!

Have a great week :)
