A practical tip for gratitude (025)

1st Law Monday - January 15 2024

Today I want to write about the 'living for the weekend' mentality afflicting many of us with full time jobs.

You can't live for the weekend.

You can't be sitting at work on a Monday morning wishing it was Friday afternoon.

This is not sustainable.

The weekend is simply too short.

Two days is not long enough to recover the sanity and peace of mine lost from dredging through another week of work and adult responsibilities with a negative mindset.

However, the solution is not what you might think.

Most people think that they need a longer weekend... or a vacation... or a different job.

I believe that the answer and the solution is just perspective.

Shift from an 'I have to' mindset to an 'I get to' mindset.

Then all of your responsibilities can be viewed as blessings instead of as chores.

If I was broke and unemployed, I would be longing to go to work.

So instead of 'I have to go to work', its actually 'I get to go to work and am blessed to have the opportunity to provide value to my employer and make money'.

If I was (god forbid) injured or disabled and couldn't go to the gym I would be miserable!

So instead of 'I have to go work out', its 'I get to wake up tomorrow and go to the gym'.

'I get to work out and get stronger and improve my health'.

And the most important of all...

'I get to live another day'.

My message to you this Monday morning is to shift your perspective and mindset to be appreciative of all of the things you get to do today.

Also remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

If you want success (in any endeavor) you will have to pay the price to achieve it, and pay the daily fee to keep it.

The fee might be stress, tasks, responsibility...

Whatever it is, you have to understand that you get to do these things and if you don't do them, you won't reap the benefits.

You don't have to do anything.

Always Strive and Prosper,
